Sunday, April 29, 2007

i'm so bored with the U.S.A.

i am doing three things right now:

1. teaching myself how to design webpages via tutorials on my mac. it's not going that well.
2. watching harry potter and the goblet of fire with my roommate. yes, we're nerds.
3. contemplating going to pilates.

still can believe that yet another year has gone by and is soon coming to a close. i try not to get caught up in the sentimentality of it (vitamin c, anyone?) but this year, it's been hard. i actually know - and like - about 96.1% of my graduating friends, so seeing them go off into the real world is more than a little disheartening. in my mind, graduating = falling off the face of the earth. and since most of my C.o.04 people are going to be seniors next year, the sentimentailty factor goes waaaay waaaaaay up.

i'm kind of done with finals, too. which leaves me twiddling my thumbs and curling my hair while every other person i know locks themselves in social isolation in cubicles devoid of sunlight. which leaves me with ample time to watch harry potter with my roommate, teaching myself how to edit webpages on a mac, and contemplate the possibility of maybe going to pilates. (although it's 10:49 and i'm pretty sure pilates is over.) i thought maybe it'd be fun to study for the GRE, but my mind seems to think it deserves a break. it doesn't want to analyze passages of beowulf or compare dickens to dickenson.

people keep asking me if i'm excited for europe. that's kind of like asking if a fat kid wants a chocolate éclair. something to add to the list of pointless and exceedingly obvious questions. yes please, and can i have some italy and greece to wash it down? i've practically memorized foder's see it! london, and am well on my way through the idiot's guide to europe. in good form, i've also been reading the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. i have my towel in hand, and i'm ready for anything that'll come my way, be it aliens, torrential rains, or the manchester united football fans.

quote of the day: "i'm so bored with the U.S.A., but what can i do?"

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