Wednesday, April 11, 2007

the cliche first entry

it seems like everyone has a blog these days. donald trump. the writers of grey's anatomy. paris hilton's dog. so i said to myself, "Self, you should probably jump on the bandwagon too. it's high time to fill people in on the mundane goings on in my life." now i can tell you, beloved readers, about my crazy weekends of debauchery, of my BURN BOOK thoughts about how some of you eat your feelings or are too gay to function, and my every thought that whisps through my brain at odd moments of the day.

more importantly, i want to keep a log of my (mis)adventures whilst over the pond. over in london towne. or at least what i can remember when i'm not stuck in class or at a pub. either way, this should be entertaining.

having said that, i should probably include some amusing anecdote. the most amusing thing i've got is that i'm beginning to look at grad schools. i'm leaning more towards the M.F.A. in creative writing, as most credible universities want to pay me to sit around, eat bon-bons, and write all day. can't say that i'm morally opposed to that. and then i can live in an intellectual cardboard box, and write all my stories on toilet paper, with the beacon of my advanced writing degree mocking those years. and i'll be fat from those bon-bons.

all the best,

quote of the day: "suicide. at least we're not talking about it closer to finals week." -professor m. yockey.

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