Monday, May 7, 2007

london calling

i can't believe a lot of things:

-that paris hilton is actually going to jail.
-that cookie dough has no calories if not baked into actual cookies.
-that i got an A on my portfolio.
-that it's not butter.
-that i'll be on another continent 24 hours from now.

with all the preparation and ballyhoo and running around and buying everything from bras to backpacks to benedryl, i really haven't had that much time to just sit back and think about the social and emotional implications this trip and london will have on me. when i step off the plane a little more than eight weeks from now, i will be a different person. hopefully a more cultured one, but probably one with sore feet, sleep deprivation, and a liver that hates me.

tomorrow, i'm going to LONDON!

megan and i are taking an evening flight and landing in gatwick somewhere around 1pm the next day. (see also: extreme tiredness, nappage, narcolepsy.) i'm not sure what we'll end up doing, but it probably involves seeing platform 9 3/4, seeing picadilly circus, or going to a pub or two. a little shopping couldn't hurt either.

i'll be sure to post more, but now i have to deal with a mountain of luggage to pack, and a way to get all the books i want to read over there and still manage to pack all the clothes i need.

au revoir!

quote of the day: "writing is like prostitution. first, you do it for the love of it. then you do it for a few friends, and finally, you do it for the money."

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