Sunday, December 23, 2007

that was a jedi moment back there!

"christmas break is like rehab. i sleep 8 hours a night, i eat healthy, and like lindsay lohan, i am taken away from alcohol."

-bridget mcglone-

thanks for that one, bridget.

in any case, christmas break 2007 is well on its way, marked by a staggering amount of GRE studies (i now know several choice words for cantankerous), a nauseating amount of time spent at the country club (would you like more gin in your gimlet, sir?), some friend time out and about (and i now know why i go to miami ... fewer creepy hick townies) and naught much else. granted, it's been a fairly restful break, though not all circumstances are perfect. but are they ever?

i've also successfully accomplished what a consummate drug lord might want, which is get my parents completely hooked ...

... on LOST.

hats off to jj abrams for being an omniscient wizard with this show. i ordered the pilot from netflix just to see what all the fuss was about, and a week and a half later, i'm mostly done with season two. call me pathetic. but i call it media studies. now, at cocktail parties, instead of dazzling people with my extensive vocabulary and witticisms, i can impress them with pansophical knowledge of jack, kate, sawyer, and charlie. what is that strange black smoke? who are the others? and why, five minutes after shaving, does jack have a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow? the world may never know.

i'm out.

quote of the day: i saw a guy lying there with an ankle holster. so i took the gun. thought it might come in handy. and guess what? i just shot a bear!

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